Lotus Leaf and Water
He who performs actions without attachment resigning them to God, is untainted by their effects as Lotus leaf by water.
(Sorry, did not have a pic of lotus leaf and water, so this is the best I could do.)
Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.
Fear Not. What is not real, never was and never will be. What is real, always was and cannot be destroyed.
~Bhagavad Gita
This leaf is pretty close - I have always enjoyed sprinkling water on this plant when I was in Delhi!
This pic was taken in Kerala. I had taken a very good pic of this leaf with water just after the rains. But I deleted it by mistake. And then I had a hard time taking this picture, cos try as I might to pour water on the leaf and make some drops to stay on the leaf they just wouldn't.:D
**He who performs actions without attachment resigning them to God, is untainted by their effects as Lotus leaf by water.
I love that comparison. Attachment is the destroyer of salvation.
Good one Suji...
Yea, definitely more water on the leaf would have made it a great pic. Rains will come again suji, so go back again in the rain to the green valley :-)
Thanks to all.
And a special thanks to Sangeetha for all ur kind words. You write so well, I hope u'll start ur own blog soon. I know you are very busy, but pls find some time to express urself and enlighten all of us. Your philosophies sound interesting and I would like to know more about them. :)
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