Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

Traditionally, it is thought that one could affect the luck one would have throughout the coming year by what one did on the first day of the year. So, I thought I should write something on the first day of the new year.

New Year is the time to look back at the past, introspect and decide what changes we want or need in our life. And more importantly it is the time to look forward to the future and hope for better times and hopefully to better ourselves. So my new year resolution for this year is:
  1. To enjoy life more
  2. To learn something new
Not very hard resolutions, I know. But, once you get back into the daily grind from the holiday season, all the resolutions fly out of the window. So lets wait and see....

Some of you must be wondering why the pic of a puppy. That's because 2006 is the year of the dog according to the Chinese calender. And the puppy seems to be looking forward hopefully towards the future, like all of us.

A very Happy New Year to all........

P.S: Please post your new year resolutions as comments :)


At 9:36 AM, Blogger Abhas Kumar said...

One simple resolution to put down in words and so difficult to put in practice. I just want to clear my thoughts. My mind is so cluttered at the moment. I just need to clear up the things before the end of this year :P

At 7:47 AM, Blogger Prateek said...

Hello Ma'am. Congratulations on starting a blog, and I see that you've decided to get yours listed at, way to go! Happy New Year.


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